
「quick-update-report / 簡潔な進捗報告」のイメージ ビジネス英語

ビジネスで「取り急ぎご報告いたします」と丁寧に伝えたいときに便利なフレーズをご存じですか?「I would like to provide a quick update on 目的語」は、急いで「とりあえず報告しなきゃ!」といった状況で大変便利です。本記事では、このフレーズの使い方とビジネスでの具体的なシーンを詳しく解説します。

「~について取り急ぎご報告いたします」「I would like to provide a quick update on 目的語」

進捗報告をしたい内容を「update on」の後に続けるだけで、効果的なメッセージを簡単に作成できます。

「取り急ぎご報告いたします」という意味を持つこの表現は、外部の取引先だけでなく、社内メールでも活用できます。社内のカジュアルなコミュニケーションには「want to」を使った「I want to provide a quick update on 目的語」という直接的でシンプルなバージョンも適しています。



  • I would like to provide a quick update on the progress of the project.


  • I would like to quickly provide an update on the progress of the contract we are finalizing. We have finalized the key terms and are now reviewing the final draft. We expect to have the contract ready for signing by the end of this week. Rest assured, everything is on track, and I will keep you updated on any further developments.

    参考 「I would like to quickly provide an update on 目的語」も同じような意味です。少しカジュアルで、急いで情報を伝えたいニュアンスを含みます。


  • I would like to provide a quick update on the status of your recent order. The production has experienced a delay compared to the original schedule due to an issue at the factory. We are working to resolve the issue and will provide more details soon.

  • I would like to provide a quick update on the status of your recent order. The shipment is currently being processed and is expected to be shipped by next week.


  •  I would like to provide a quick update on the status of your shipment. The goods are currently in transit and are expected to arrive at the warehouse near the port on September 21. We will inform you once the goods are moved into the warehouse.

    参考 「in transit」はとても便利な表現で、貨物が目的地に向かって輸送中であることを示しており、陸上、海上、空のいずれの輸送手段でも使われます。

    Your order is currently in transit by road and is expected to arrive at Tokyo CFS tomorrow.
    ご注文は現在、陸路輸送中で、明日東京のCFS(Container Freight Station)に到着する予定です。

    The shipment is currently in transit by sea and should reach Tokyo port next week.

    The package is in transit by air and is estimated to arrive at the destination within 48 hours.


  • I would like to provide a quick update on your export customs clearance process for your shipment. We are currently in the final stages and expect to complete the clearance by the end of this week.

    参考 「in the final stages」はフレーズとして覚えると便利です。プロジェクトや手続き、プロセスが最終段階にあることを表現する際に広く使われる定型的な表現です。複数形の「final stages」で使うのが一般的です。


  • 「I would like to quickly inform + 人 + of + 目的語」取り急ぎご報告いたします
    I would like to quickly inform you of a recent change in our project. Due to unforeseen circumstances, we had to adjust our timeline. The revised schedule will be shared with you shortly.

    参考 informの使い方に自信の無い方は下記ページもお勧めです。
  • 「I would like to quickly bring 目的語 to your attention」取り急ぎご報告いたします
    I would like to quickly bring an update to your attention regarding the recent quality concerns with the shipment. We are investigating the problems and will keep you informed of our findings and corrective actions as soon as possible.


今日はビジネスコミュニケーションで使える進捗報告のフレーズを紹介しました。「I would like to provide a quick update on 目的語」 は、急いで「とりあえず報告しなきゃ!」といった状況で大変便利です。これを使いこなせば、スムーズに情報を伝えることができますよ!
