
「apologize」のイメージの謝罪・後悔 ビジネス英語


全て「apologize + for + 謝罪の理由」の形で使えますので、一度覚えてしまえば、さまざまなお詫びに応用が利きます。さらに、主語を「I」ではなく「We」にすることで、個人ではなく会社組織として謝罪することも可能です。




  • I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

    参考 「any inconvenience」は、具体的な不便があったかどうかに関わらず、一般的に可能性を示す定型的なフレーズです。「inconvenience」の場合は「any」を使うのが自然です。
    参考 「may」を使うことで断定を避けています。自分に非があることが確実な場合は、「I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.」と言えます。

  • I apologize for the trouble this may have caused.

    参考 「any trouble」という表現はこの場合には不自然で、「the trouble」の方が問題を具体的に認める形になります。
    参考 「may」を使うことで断定を避けています。自分に非があることが確実な場合は、「I apologize for the trouble this has caused.」と言えます。



メール添付忘れ (返信遅れ・見落とし・立て続けのメール) の謝罪

I apologize for forgetting to attach the file.  I will make sure to be more careful in the future.

参考 その他使える言い回し:

  • メールの遅れ:「I apologize for the delay in sending the email. 」
    ※ここでの「the email」は、この文章を書いている人が送信するメールを指します。
  • メール返信の遅れ「I apologize for the delay in responding to the email.」
    ※ここでの「the email」は、この文章を書いている人が受信したメールを指します。
  • メールの見落とし:「I apologize for missing the email. 」
  • 複数のメール:「I apologize for the multiple emails.」
  • 立て続けのメール:「I apologize for the consecutive emails.」
  • 本日2通目のメール:「I apologize for the second email today.」
  • 休暇中のメール:「I apologize for sending the email during your vacation.」

確認漏れ (書類の不備) の謝罪

I apologize for the oversight in verification.  I will be more careful in the future.

参考 その他使える言い回し:

  • リストの確認漏れ:「I apologize for the oversight in verifying the list.」
  • 必要書類の確認漏れ: 「I apologize for the oversight in verifying the necessary documents.」
  • 書類の不備:「I apologize for the document error.」

誤解 (説明不足・約束時間の間違い) の謝罪

I apologize for the misunderstanding during the web meeting this morning. To prevent similar issues, I will double-check the information before each meeting.

参考 その他使える言い回し:

  • 説明不足:「I apologize for the lack of explanation regarding the project details.」
  • 約束の時間の間違い:「I apologize for the time error in the scheduled appointment.」


I apologize for the schedule change and appreciate your flexibility in accommodating a new date.


I apologize for my absence from the meeting. I will read the meeting minutes to catch up on the discussions.

生産遅延 (納期遅延) の謝罪

We apologize for the delay in production.  We are currently investigating the details, but it appears that there is an issue with the production line at the factory. In any case, we are having discussions with the factory to make up for the delay as much as possible.

参考 その他使える言い回し:

  • 納期遅延:「I apologize for the delay in delivery.」


We apologize for the out-of-stock item.  We are expediting production at the factory to deliver your order as soon as possible. We will inform you immediately once we have the production completion date and other schedule details.

不良品 (不具合・システムの不具合) の謝罪

I apologize for the defective product. We are prepared to issue a credit note for the equivalent amount or provide a free product with your next order. Please inform us which option you would prefer.

参考 その他使える言い回し:

  • 不具合:「I apologize for the malfunction in the product.」
  • システム不具合:「I apologize for the system malfunction.  We are working to restore the system as quickly as possible.」


We sincerely apologize for the double booking. We understand the inconvenience this has caused. As an apology, we would like to offer [a discount/free upgrade/special service]. We hope this demonstrates our commitment to resolving the issue.


We apologize for the delay in addressing your complaint. Due to an internal miscommunication, we were unable to respond to your issue promptly. We are taking steps to ensure this does not happen again in the future.  We deeply apologize for the repeated inconvenience caused by both the initial complaint and the delay in addressing it.

請求ミス (二重請求) の謝罪

We apologize for the invoicing error. We will issue a new invoice to be used as the final one. Please kindly proceed with payment according to the final invoice. Moving forward, we will be mindful of every detail when issuing an invoice.

参考 その他使える言い回し:

  • 二重請求:「I apologize for the double billing.」


  • regret 「遺憾に思う」
    We regret that we are unable to accommodate your request at this time
    申し訳ございませんが、現時点でご要望にお応えすることができません (遺憾に思います) 。

    We regret to inform you that your shipment has been delayed due to adverse weather.
    悪天候のため、船積みが遅れていることをお知らせします (遺憾に思います)。

  • regrettably 「残念ながら」
    Regrettably, I won’t be able to attend the dinner due to a scheduling conflict.

  • unfortunately, 「残念ながら」
    Unfortunately, I am unable to attend the event due to a prior commitment that conflicts with the event schedule.

  • sorry 「すみません」
    I’m sorry for any trouble this may have caused.
    (断定は避けたい場合) ご迷惑をおかけしてすみません。

    I’m sorry for any trouble this has caused.
    (自分の非を認める場合) ご迷惑をおかけしてすみません。


